Air Date: September 10, 1977
Magic Segment Featuring Wonder Woman.
Welcome to 'Super Friends Magic!'
Wonder Woman will perform the 'Glass and Coin' mystery.
You need a white sheet, a drinking glass, a paper mat, and a coin.
The glass is upside down on the paper mat.
Roll up the magic paper sheet, and with it, cover the glass.
Move both the magic paper sheet and the glass over the coin.
"Here and there... there and here... the coin will now disappear!"
Wonder Woman lifts the magic paper sheet... and the coin is gone!
How did she do it? What type of sorcery is this?
Wonder Woman will explain how the magic trick works.
Did you figure out where the coin went?
Well, it actually never went anywhere.
If you lift the glass, you will find the coin is still there!
The secret is to cover the open end of the glass with paper.
The paper cover must be the same color as the paper mat.
Glue the paper cover to the rim of the glass, and trim it well.
The paper cover will make it seem like the coin has disappeared.
Have fun surprising your friends with this magic trick!
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