Superman #171
Writer: Jeph Loeb
Pencils: Ed McGuinness
Inks: Cam Smith
Colors: Tanya and Richard Horie
Letters: Richard Starkings
Months after the disappearance of then-planet Pluto, professor Emil Hamilton is able to find it, thanks to his newly acquired knowledge of the technology derived from the B13 Virus. Immediately, Superman arrives in the location of the displaced celestial body, only to find that it has apparently been transformed into a new Warworld.
Superman #171
Cover by Ed McGuinness, Cam Smith, Tanya Horie
Once on the surface, the Man of Steel is attacked by The Fatal Five, a group of villains unknown to him, but recognizable to avid readers as enemies of the Legion of Super-Heroes, one thousand years in the future. Upon fighting multiple iterations of the evil-doers, Superman realizes they are nothing but hard-light holograms, and quickly makes his way to the operations center of Warworld.
"Of Course, You Know, This Means... Warworld!"
Published June, 2001
A countdown transmission is activated, and the planet explodes, giving Superman only enough time to escape the expansive wave. On his way back to Earth, Superman deduces that this was nothing but a distraction created by Brainiac-13 to get him off Earth. The Man of Steel's theory is correct; Brainiac made use of this brief absence to send a visitor to the White House, currently occupied by Lex Luthor.
Artwork by Ed McGuinness and Cam Smith
The envoy brings with her a gift of sorts: The idea that Lex can become one the greatest figures in the history of the world by being a leader during an impending war; one that will cost millions their lives, but save the universe in return. Taking advantage of Luthor's biggest flaw -his ego- the visitor has piqued the evil genius' interest. One final factor that might make him accept the offer is that the messenger seems to be his own daughter, Lena, whom he traded to Brainiac-13 in exchange for the same technology that created the B13 virus!
Colors by Tania Horie and Richard Horie
This is how the issue was originally solicited:
Written by Jeph Loeb; art and cover by Ed McGuinness and Cam Smith.
The vanished planet Pluto reemerges and Superman must investigate, but he soon finds himself battling a deadly time-displaced Fatal Five. Meanwhile, President Luthor has a close encounter with an alien woman who brings portents of destruction. Will the President listen or will it be a day that will live in infamy?
Arrives in stores on June 6
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