Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Ivan Reis

The third chapter of Throne of Atlantis puts Aquaman in a tough spot as he tries to reason with his brother Orm and stop the atlantean invasion of the surface, while entering in a philosophical and physical confrontation with the Big Three to prevent an all-out war. Geoff Johns succeeds in making Arthur's position a desperate one; it's almost like he's in a Twilight Zone episode where everyone is crazy except him; only here everyone is being stubborn instead. The new take on Orm's character is an interesting one. He is not shown as the mustache-twirling, muah-ha-ha villain of turn; he is a powerful king responding to an attack on his people. He is acting just like any other chief of state would -at least for now. Cyborg gets some screen time that allows him to showcase his powers and have some human interaction. Great art by Reis, Prado, and Reis; an exciting and long awaited cliffhanger, and Tula! Nice issue.

Don't mess with Wonder Woman. By Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Rod Reis
This was a terrific issue of Justice League. It seems Johns' love of Aquaman has helped inject a compelling quality in his JL run that was sorely missing from the last arc. Issue #16 also contains the some of the most powerful Superman heat-vision art I have ever seen.