"The Savage Hawkman vs. The Black Plague" by Tony Daniel marks the conclusion of the series' first arc as the winged wonder fights the terrible menace of Morphicius. This issue was 100% action, no dull moment, no interludes, and as a result, is the best of the run so far. Even the art by Philip Tan, which I have been so critical of, found its groove in the fight sequences, and the explosions, and the crashes. The colors by Sunny Gho were great as well; there is this panel in page 15 that I just loved for its simplicity -see below. Story wise, we see Hawkman make some new acquaintances -wouldn't call them allies- and the layers of the proverbial onion let themselves be seen as a development regarding the hero's identity is revealed. If there is a lesson to be learned, is that the book works best when there is more focus on Hawkman and less in Carter Hall.

Art by Philip Tan and Sunny Gho